Wichita Area Central Office is open:
Every Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm
and Wednesdays 3:00pm to 6:00pm
For help 24/7 call:
Mailing Address:
2812 E English
Wichita, KS 67211
Current Central Office Board of Directors:
Dustin R vacant vacant
Gary T Barry R Deanna R Lana L
contact the Board at: manager@aawichita.org
Central Office Representatives (COR) Committee:
Chair - Bob P Moderator - Tom G Secretary - James B
*contact Bob at: corchair@aawichita.org
How can YOU help?
(Will open in New Window)
Or contact one of these COR Standing Committee Chairs:
Call Forwarding Chair – Mike B at: callforward@aawichita.org
Volunteer Coordinator Chair - Shannon B at: volunteer@aawichita.org
District Liaison Chair – vacant; inquire at: corchair@aawichita.
Web Chair – vacant; inquire at: corchair@aawichita.
Central Office provides support and services to not only the A.A. community but to the community in the Greater Wichita Metro Area.
To carry the message the Central Office does the following:
*Coordinates the 24-hour telephone service for callers seeking help
*Guides newcomers to meetings and also assists in the start up of new A.A. meetings.
*Serves as a central source of information on A.A. activities, A.A. literature, and special events.
*Maintains a 12th Step call list.
*Operates and maintains a book store for A.A. conference-approved literature and A.A. Grapevine items.
*Carries a large inventory of birthday/anniversary medallions.
*Supports the activities of the local district and standing committees.
*Publishes a meeting schedule, updated as needed.
*Communicates with the A.A. General Service Office, and responds to requests received.
*Sets up a "mini" Central Office at local conventions and conferences.
*Maintains this web site
Service Guidelines and
of the Central Office can be viewed here
(Each will open in New Window)